I was woken up again by my parents crashing around in the Rv at 7:00. I was very annoying with this because last night we had experienced utter caos in the town of Spring Dale. Usually it wasn't difficult for us to find parking whatsoever (not including Portland.) But last night we had drove around and around the small little town, to find no little stowaway spots, we looked in parking lots, on streets, in residential areas. Nothing. Everyone was getting snappy and annoying. At around midnight we just gave up, and excepted the fact that at 2 Am some security guard was going to bang on the door and force us out. With this as the worst case scenario we pulled into a hotel parking lot. The lot was a couple thirds full, but still leaving us plenty of room. So we parked. We turned off all the lights and lurked in the shadows while brushing our teeth. I figured that by the time we were all in bed someone would be outside telling us to move.
To my surprise no-one did. We were all laying in bed, it was quiet, with the unusual sound of a passing car. Finally I drifted off to sleep, and I wasn't woken up again till the next morning. My parents thought that we had to get up to Zion in the very early morning for us to be able to get parking. We were up at Zion by 7:30, My parents left the Rv for a early morning walk right when we had arrived, leaving the Rv silent again. I tried to get some more sleep, but now that there was light shining in through all the windows, it was hopeless. So I decided to make some breakfast, it was a couple of hours before they returned.

It was hot outside now, so I had to cover up my skin so I wouldn't get burned. Once we were all in hiking condition we left, and load the Zion Shuttle, all the way up to the 7th stop, to hike to the observation point. I was just beginning to get excited for the hike when we got to the trail head and found out that it was closed. We decided that we would try to go on another hike up to a different view but after some more research we found that the only hike that had a good view had a three hour line. We didn't like the sound of this so we opted for hiking along the river. I didn't bring my swimsuit but I decided to swim anyway because of the heat. After we swam we headed back to the RV and ate the lunch that Daniel and I had made earlier in the morning. We decided that we were going to only spend one day at Zion and go onto the Grand Canyon tomorrow.
Later, I made garlic pasta for everyone. After this we went down to the river and swam again. Kim got in another hike while Ben, Daniel and I went swimming in the river. I didn't have to worry about getting sunburned this time because the river was already in the shade because of the high canyon walls. Once we got back to our Rv, I turned on the generator to charge my phone and to my dismay my phone didn't light up with the familiar charging light, I used the back of my earing to try to get any debree out of the port, with no luck with that I examined my cord and found that the very end of it was stretched out, so it was still possible that the cord was the problem, it was that or the battery. As the evening passed my battery diminished and my phone eventually died. So on that happy thought we headed back to the same hotel parking lot and hoped for a restful night with no interruptions.