We had one more night in the Hot Springs National Park Campground and then we were off to Vicksburg. Our break was coming to an end and we were all ready for the tour to jump on its way again. I had enjoyed the rest, not having to drive every day but I was also ready to continue traveling. To see new places and to continue nationally in the Rv. We had to get to downtown Hot Springs by 12 for our escape room. I was exited for the puzzle and wanted for it to be hard but I also wanted to succeed. We arrived a few minutes early so we could get the information, slightly after 12 the rest of our group arrived. We were all let into the room and the narrator gave us a summary of the room.
Our room was based in the future, where a robot called Ada was trapped in the room. Ada gave us hints and talked to us when we needed her. We worked on the different puzzles, found clues, and opened locks. The room began to connect, the locked cabinets and lockers opened. The journal entry's slowly began to match up. Time passed. Only ten minutes were left on the clock. We had a couple more clues to crack and stress levels were high, we were rushing, a few minutes passed and we completed one of the two puzzles left. Then we entered the pass code on the pad on the exit door and I heard the door click. I pushed it open and was blinded for a second by the light. We had made it with about 6 minutes left on the clock. We got our pictures taken and then headed out. I was proud that we had escaped, also very hungry, but proud. Ben, Kim, and I walked down Central Avenue to a Cafe and got some snacks. Ben walked back to the Rv and came and picked us up. We were all once again going to the Y.

After working out it was pizza time and we were going to Deluca's Pizzeria the best in Arkansas. We took our table and ordered some appetizers as we waited for the rest of the group to arrive. Our first round arrived in about 10 minutes and quenched a little bit of my hunger. Our food took a while to arrive but then again quality takes time. Our pizza was delicious, it lived up to its name. The theater was only a block away so once we all finished we moved the RV's and took a look around the Cinema. When I first walked in, my initial response was confused. There were jewelry shops inside, the rest was a more usual like the ones we had seen. People showed up early and began to get seated. Slowly the theater began to fill up. About halfway through the film I got the news that the audio was off from the video. It was bad news, but they got it working pretty quickly afterwards. The crowd was understanding and it didn't seem to phase them much considering they corrected it very quickly. The audience very much enjoyed the movie and they bought T-shirts and posters making our merchandise stock shrink a little. Next up on the Phoenix, Oregon Movie Tour is Vicksburg. Playing at The Strand Theater at 6pm. See you there!