Chahalis, Washington was still on the horizon, for the Pipers had not yet begun to drive the couple hours across the border and to the small-ish town. Their day started calmly without any problems or things to conquer, but man did that change. Within the first few hours of the day the Pipers began to blow up at one another over the smallest things. They decided to take a break at a small park a few miles away from The Midway Cinema. They exited out of the parking lot and on to a one way street, only to be going the wrong way. Ben the driver, realized this about a second to late. A semi-truck whizzed by the small RV, Kim gasped and tightened her grip on the handlebars of her side door.
Ben pulled off the road and into a turnout, and not a second to soon, it was almost like a car chase seen in a movie (not ours, just a movie), besides the chase part, but you know what I mean. With that interesting morning wake up call, The Pipers turned the correct way on the road and headed to their relaxing park. With calm minds and better attitudes the four of them climbed back onto the RV and headed on a round trip to take care of their RV’s needs. Their first stop took care of the propane and to empty the bathroom tank. Second stop would supposedly fill the water tank, but after being juggled around by 6 different employees, Kim and Tara gave up and decided to wait until they passed a Pilot station to deal with the shortening amount of clean water that was in their tank.
Third stop was cut off the list by reason of their time restraint, their movie was playing in about an hour and they still had to eat.

Once the movie had finished our Pipers came back to the RV not incredibly pleased with the turnout but still inspired by one particular viewer who gave them some amazing compliments which just happened to make their day. Up next Portland, Oregon. See you there!
Takes a little adjustment on a trip for each person to get over missing their personal routine, and also for the family to establish a groove that provides each person with the space they need. Can be done! My memories of extended travel at 13 with my parents and brother [17] are of having a generally very good and interesting time.
Your food looks great!