I woke up and almost immediately checked the weather for Cedar Point. I hoped that the forecast wouldn't say something like thunderstorms until 5. If that was the case our plans for the amusement park would fly out the window. i opened up the weather app on my phone, typed in the location and nearly lept out of bed when I saw the forecast saying mostly sunny. I guess you could say I was exited. I then went to the Cedar Point website and finished the order on the tickets. I researched the Fast Pass tickets and saw that it was nearly double to get wristbands that would speed us past the lines. I also wasn't sure if the lines were going to be that long, we were going on a Wednesday after all. When we arrived at the park I immediately realized how foolish I had been thinking that the lines weren't going to be long. There was still tons of parking and since we were in an Rv we got escorted to where the buses parked which was almost at the entrance of the park.
We all had bar code tickets on our phones and after we got our bags checked we scanned our selves into the park. The coasters were huge! Screams echoed throughout the park, as we walked through the gates a blue coaster flew by above us. Kim wanted to get herself warmed up before riding on one of the long fast spinney coasters. She asked a park attendant and the lady pointed us to a blue wooden coaster. The sign outside the line entrance said 15 minute wait. When we got in line I realized just how inaccurate those signs were. The line made switch backs multiple times and we weren't half way through the line until 15 minutes had past. Ben was getting kind of dismayed by the fact that this one family and gone through the fast lane line maybe 4 times in the amount of time we were standing there. The coaster was more fun then I expected. I was beginning to wonder if the park would be any fun if all the coasters had half hour lines.
I split off from the rest of my family to go on a huge swing ride, they had one like it at the Old Orchard Beach Pier but this one was massive compared to it. The line was very short and I rode on the ride within seconds of entering the line. I thought that the ride was going to be scary and a little bit sickening but to my surprise it wasn't. I felt completely airborne in some points. In others I could see Lake Erie, not for to long though because I would end up swinging all the way back to the other side. My hopes for this park were rising, now that I had rode a ride with a short line my view on the entire park was completely different. I then went and waited in another coaster line, this one also said 15 minutes of waiting time.
The coaster I was in line for had a yellow track, and unlike coasters you see in pictures this one shot you straight into the sky and then had you plummet back down. The line moved really fast. In a few minutes of wait time I was already in the next group to load on to the coaster, I held on to the bars tight and the microphone above me counted down from 3. We shot out of the loading station so fast it took my breath away. We shot up into the sky on the front side and then rode up on the backwards side as well. This procedure continued multiple times, When I got off the ride I was beginning to be happy that this was one of the locations on our map. For the next few hours we explored the rest of the almost 400 acre amusement park. Rode on the rides with the least lines, in the back of the park there was a ton of kind of forgotten rides. Rides that were just as fast big and fun as the rides in the front. And as a plus the lines for these were 10 minutes or less.
All of us were complete with the park by 4. We ate some food at the Rv and then got on the road again. We wanted to shave off a few hours today so that the next 2 days wouldn't be so miserable. We had to travel over 1000 miles to Badlands National Park. There was nothing for us to do between now and there so we wanted to make very good time as we passed over the great plains. Make sure you check out our driving home map! I'll put the link below. The map updates everyday, so you can see our fun locations for the day as well as the general location we if we are driving! We wanted to drive all the way past Chicago tonight that way we wouldn't have to deal with rush hour in the morning. We drove all the way until we were into central time. It felt like an accomplishment to be getting back the hours in between us and home.