The Pipers spent the night plugged in, all electronics were charged which was a relaxing feeling for them. The next morning they even all had the opportunity to shower! All of this was made possible from some newly found friends that lived just a few blocks away from the Corvallis cinema. Anyways the family were all very pleased and relaxed from their morning away from reality, but we all know reality has a way of striking us when we least expect it. The reality was that the Pipers were late for their lunch date with Ben’s mom and stepdad. Realizing this the Pipers climbed back into the seemingly cramped Rv. They drove along the 5 all the way to Eugene.
As they turned up Garfield st, they already could smell the home cooked meal that Ben's mom was cooking. Baked potatoes, roasted tofu, hummus, pita bread, and of course salad. Time passed as they ate, no-one was quite aware of just how late it was getting. Kim had a meeting with another touring movie, Bite Me, and time was diminishing and she was unaware. Then she got a little spark of reality and decided to go check her phone, shocked that she had so many new messages about where to meet up for the meeting. She quickly told the rest of the group about their time restraint and in a hurry the Pipers left.

It was just a little bit too late for Kim to meet up with the other movie crew, but she decided that it was okay just to let Annie represent their movie. Then the Pipers drove to a different part of town to drop off the kids at their friends house. Daniel and Tara were both spending the night at the same house with two different friends, they were both excited to get out of the Rv for a night, Tara went to the Amazon Pool with her friend Rubie for the afternoon while Daniel stayed back and played video games with Asam.
The family once again met up with each other at the movie theater in Eugene, when Tara looked through the door at the theater room she was shocked to see it was packed all the way to the front row! Big turnout in Eugene, and the best part of all the audience loved the movie, great reviews from the Eugene crowd! Next up on the National Phoenix, Oregon Movie Tour is Volcanic Theater Pub in Bend Oregon. See you there!