Bags were repacked with fresh clean clothes. Forgotten items from before were remembered and stuffed into bags. Remembered items were forgotten. It was to late to get them now, for the Rv was once again chugging down the road toward Mt. Shasta City. Everything seemed so familiar to the Pipers. The air whistling through the gaps of the door. The up and down jolts whenever you entered a bridge. The sounds of nearby cars as the whizzed by the side of the vehicle. The vibrations of the wheels churning on the road. The splash of the water tank as it hit the side of the Rv. The farm lands of Klamath slowly drifted past them as they continued their journey. Nearby hills came and then went. Endless road stretched out ahead of them. No-one new what adventures lay ahead. Only time will tell.
After about an hour of driving, they pulled the Rv onto the side of the road. Ben and Tara left the Motor Home and did a short round of shopping at Berryvale to let Daniel and Kim complete some of their work. After shopping, Ben and Tara decided to go on a walk around Mt. Shasta city in hunt of a wallet for Tara. After entering 2 different shops, both telling them the same thing, “Just down the street there is a store called Directions, I hear they have wallets.” So of course they headed down the street to the supposed well known store. Right away when they entered they were bombarded with a whole rack of purses and wallets. After looking through the different items, Tara found one that caught her eye. It was a high end blue wallet, just what she had been wanting. They checked out of the store, Tara with her new possession.
As 7:00 inched closer, the Pipers made dinner and sat around their cramped table eating. Annie joined them, and after fully quenching their hunger they headed out to the theater to let the audience know that they would be back to answer questions after the movie played. The theater was packed, nearly sold out. Only a few seats were left open. This was a surprise, for mostly at the Coming Attractions theaters, not even close to as many people would show up compared to the non-chain theaters. The sun set as the movie played, shining glimmering pink light on the Mt. Shasta. The clouds lit up with brilliant color. It felt like a good omen, as if it was a sign that this trip was a new beginning. Next up on the National Phoenix, Oregon Movie Tour is Redding, California. Our movie is playing in the Cascade Theatre. See you there!