The day started off with a restful soak in Kim's friends hot tub. There was no better way to start the day. At 10 am they all got into the Rv and headed to meet up with Annie and her daughter Flannery. The other Rv was along the coast so the Pipers plus Annie and Flannery were heading to Redding to meet up with the other Rv. Mt. Shasta began to drift behind the trees and hide behind the clouds as the Rv headed toward southern California. About halfway to Redding the Rv took an exit of the freeway and then turned down a windy road to a small parking lot hidden in the trees. They then walked down a dirt path, to one of their favorite swimming holes. The river was freezing cold, and higher then it was when they usually went there. Yet, they still all jumped in. The water was breathtakingly cold but it was also so very refreshing. The small stop turned out to take about 20 minutes, but it was definitely worth it.
As they entered the outskirts of Redding the burning hot sun began to seep in to the Rv. Ben opened his door once they had arrived in Redding, only to be blasted with 90 degree weather. After all it was summer, but they hadn't influenced this kind of heat since well, last summer. Now after a couple hours of being at the Family YMCA, they would do anything to get back to the freezing cold Sacramento River. Ben met up with an old friend from his childhood, and the rest of the Pipers headed back to the Rv. After opening the door, they were instantly surprised to find that the inside was quite a bit warmer then outside. It was humid and barely even breathable inside the Motor Home. The AC did its best to force all of the hot air out, but not without extreme effort. Even after 30 minutes of fast cool you could only stand in front of the vents to even be able to stand the hotness that still lurked in the Rv.
The theater was absolutely gorgeous. There were all different kinds of paintings and designs on the ceiling. It was a classic old looking theater. With a stage and everything. It was the kind of theater where Operas were performed or live acts. It even had a second story. It was magnificent to say the least. Downside of screening in a 1000+ theater was that no matter what our crowd would probably look small. Which it did. Yet, the people still loved the film, they laughed and bought t-shirts and had some great questions. Sometimes its not the size of the crowd, but the people in it. Next up on the Phoenix, Oregon Movie tour is San Francisco. Screening in the Balboa Theater. See you there!